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Barnstaple: 01271 858426
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Holsworthy: 01409 255621
Truro: 01872 722960


Celebrating 20 Years of AutoTrac! 

John Deere's AutoTrac system boosts your productivity by reducing input costs and increasing assisted steering efficiency. Easily master straight, curved and circle tracks and work comfortably in low-visibility conditions. Once you have experienced the benefits of AutoTrac you will never want to go back.

Adding a GreenStar AutoTrac Assisted Steering System to your operation will help you to get the most out of every hectare you till, seed, plant, fertilise and harvest whilst closely managing your input costs, time and labour!

The AutoTrac System reduces overlap, thereby saving you time, fuel and labour costs. Regardless of whether you’re breaking stubble with tillage equipment, planting or seeding, spraying or fertilising, it can reduce implement overlap by up to 90%. 

AutoTrac also allows you to open up land, mow faster and straighter while always making a full cut; you’ll also get faster headland turns because it will take the guesswork out of your return path.

The AutoTrac System has a proven record of success. It changes farming and your business for the better. Now your work is more precise, convenient and profitable whilst also lower in stress.


These are just some of the things the AutoTrac system can do to make your farm life easier, to learn more get in touch with our Precision Ag department at 07762 897988 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.